
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just slow down

  Hello Everybody!

  Well, I just got back from youth camp. It was really good, and yet it ws really dificult.
  You see, I'd been running in circles trying to find God and it had really worn me down spirtually. I told one of my youth leaders about it and she told me I just need to sit in God's presence and listen to Him.
  That's not exactly easy for me. I worship very fisicaly and verbily, so for me to be still is difficult. But, I'm trusting God and I'm going to do as the Bible says, "Be still and know I am God". Psalm 46:10

  Waiting on God,

Monday, July 9, 2012

Patience is a Virtue

Hi everybody!
Sorry I haven't been writing too much lately. I've been busy and distracted a lot and just haven't made the time.
Have you ever treated God like a vending machine? You want what you want when you want it but God doesn't quite agree?
I understand.
Things have been pretty hectic lately. All kinds of stuff keeps pressing it's way in to my life, things that require time and thought, plans and decisions. That doesn't make it easy to wait for God to reveal His plans. I want Him to give me all the answers right away.
It all comes back to trusting His judgment and waiting for His signal.
It's hard, but it's worth the waiting.
Besides, in it's time all things are made beautiful.


Shared at:
Faithful Fridays with Joy

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

American Blue

 Red, White, and Blue;
 Strong and true.
 Singing a song
 All the day long.

Red, White, and Blue;
They fought for you.
All through the night
Hearts blazing bright.

Red, White, and Blue;
Though they withdrew,
Victory would come.
But, at what a sum.

Red, White, and Blue;
Hundreds died for you.
The bled and they died
While the Women folk creid.

Red, White, and Blue;
As you fly true,
I gaze at the sky
And thank those who died.