
Monday, April 29, 2013


  Ok, I titled this post Victory because, for quite some time, I have been living on the fence in between victory and defeat. It's not fun and I don't recommend it!

  Yesterday a bunch of the girls from my church went to a women's confrence called Supernova. It was a blast (pardon the pun!)! There were dances, worship, and several speakers. Now I don't know where you come from or where your walk with the Lord is, but you are never without flaws. We're human, and we'll never be perfect. Man, do I know it!

  Like I said, I'd been living on the fence without much passion for living in either territory. I had been discouraged for a long time; I'd seen God working and showing up in other peoples lives, but not in mine. It was like I had a wall built up, and I wasn't allowing God in. I felt like I was in the way, that I was the reason He wasn't showing up. I was doubting His reality in MY life. So, as you would guess, I wasn't expecting it when He showed up.

  There was a lady at the conference named Maureena Smith. She was incredible! After just listening to her, I loved her. Awesome woman of God! I really hope I get the honor to see her again, and it's gonna be fun with her as my neighbor in Heaven. Anyway, she shared her testimony, and then asked for anyone dealing with depression to come forward. I had the classic battle: should I go up? I'm not really dealing with depression. This isn't for me. But I do need help. Epic, huh?

  God sits in the heavens and laughs. Don't tell me He dosen't have a sense of humor! God knew.

  Suddenly, she came down the aisle (I was only on the second row) praying for each of us girls. She got to me and stopped. She touched my head and prayed for me. I sat down. She prophesied over me. I wepted. And God broke that wall down. AND I CHOSE VICTORY!!! I was so joyful! I just thanked Him over and over! What else could I do? I knew right then and there that my God was REAL!! That His son was real!! I needed that reassurance.

  So really this post is a praise report. But it also is for those who have been following the Lord and feel like He's far away. That He's not paying attention, because He is. He just has His own time schedule, that's all. HE HAS NOT FORGOTTEN YOU! AND YOU ARE NOT HOPELESS!! Keep pressing into His presence. Talk to Him and listen to Him. He wants to have a relationship with you.

   Last but not least, LIVE IN VICTORY!! When in defeat, you are an open target for the enemy. It's a lifestyle, it's a choice. You have to choose to believe. You have to choose to live in victory. You have to choose to live not according to your feelings, but according to the Word of God. It's not easy, but it's worth it. May God Bless You All Abundantly!!

Teen for the Lord Emily

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Who is He?

Who is He?
He is Alpha and Omega.
He is the Beginning and the End.

He is our Protector.
He is our Provider.
He is our Healer.
He is Mighty.
He is Lord.

He is the Father.
He is the Son.
He is the Spirit.
He is the One.

Who is He that He sent His son?
Who is He that He died for us?
Who is He that He loves us?

He is the King of Kings.
He is the Lord of Lords.
He is the Lord Mighty in Battle.
He is God!

He is the Victor.
He is the Healer.
He is the Conqueror.
He is the Power!

Who is this King of Glory?


He conquers death!
He heals the broken!
 He covers sin!
He lifts the fallen!
 He calms the oceans!
He stomps the Devil and moves your mountain!!

He is your Father.
He is your Mother.
He is your Lover.
He is your God.

So worship Him.

Teen for the Lord

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Woman: The Mighty Warrior

Have you ever wanted to know what God thinks of women?
You probably have.
 But, before I tell you what He thinks of women, let me tell you what He doesn't think of us.
He doesn't see us as weak and inadequate.
 When He created us to be a help meet, He created us to be a partner in a union of marriage.
He doesn't want us to be slaves to men.
But, He does want us to respect them and have a servant's heart.
He doesn't want us to be permanently glued to the front of the kitchen sink doing dishes for the rest of our lives.
He wants us to be wives and mothers, but He also wants us to be able to live up to our full potential.
Now, this is what He does think about women.

  This is a picture of the word woman in ancient Hebrew. It means mighty warrior.
In a rough translation it says this:
A strong defender leading.
A mighty warrior. 
That's what God thinks!
He sees us as mighty warriors.
He loves us and knows our strengths and our weaknesses.
He created us to fulfill a role.
Proverbs 31
"Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.
The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
So he will have no lack of gain.
A Virtous Woman is Honest.
 She does him good and not evil.
All the days of her life.
A Virtous Woman is Honorable.
 She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands...
       ...She considers a field and buys it;
From her profits she plants a vineyard.
A Virtous Woman is Industrious.
She girds herself with strength,
And strengthens her arms...
A Virtous Woman is Strong.
 ... She extends her hand to the poor,
Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.
A Virtous Woman is Generous.
 She is not afraid of snow for her household,
For all her household is clothed with scarlet...
...Her clothing is fine linen and purple...
  ...She makes linen garments and sells them...
 A Virtous Woman is Prudent.
...Strength and honor are her clothing;
She shall rejoice in time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
And on her tongue is the law of kindness.
She watches over the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her:
'Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.' 
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands,
And let her own works praise her in the gates."
A Virtous Woman is Humble.

This our goal...
  To be virtuous.
 To be kind, but firm. To be meek, yet strong. To follow, and to lead.
 To take pride in motherhood, and to excel in our careers.
To be faithful and pure.
To set the standard for women and girls alike.
The battle lines have been drawn.
The stakes are high.
Will we hold to the plans God has for us?
 Or will we be swayed by the Father of Lies and accept the pitiful image the past generations have concocted...
 and call it womanhood?
 This is the call to arms....
Will you live in the plans and purpose God has for you? Will you be a woman of God?
Will you answer?
(Artist Unknown)

Teen for the Lord
Woman of God

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