
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Autumn at last!

   Hi, everybody! Once again, I have managed to not blog for two weeks. Must be a hidden talent.
   Fall is finally here! Yesterday I was outside my church and I got a whiff of fall time fragrances and I nearly swooned! ( I'm just a little melodramatic sometimes.) Fall is my favorite time of the year besides Christmas. All the spicey smells, pumpkins, hay, festivals, parties, costumes, and bonfires! ~~sigh~~
 I'm still waiting for the leaves on the top of the maple tree in our front yard to turn a bright fiery orange. A sure sign that fall is here at last!

   A local festival that our close friends put on every year is next week. I'm excited! The first festival of the season!

  From here on out until Christmas almost every weekend has something planned. My mom informed me of this yesterday. Even November already has plans. Oh, well! It'll be fun!

  Anyway my blog background will be changing soon!
  Something autumny I should think.
  Enjoy the weather!

    Blissful & Domestic - Inspire Me Fridays - Sweet & Simple Fridays - Fellowship Fridays at Christian Mom Blogger   - Farm Girl Friday - Thrifty Things Friday - Pin Me Linky Party  

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to Cry like an Actress

  Have you ever wondered how actresses and actors make themselves cry for that specific camera shot that is supposed to be so totally serious, but if you were acting it out in front a camera it would make you crack up?

  I found the key. Get really upset, and watch Beth die in Little Women (1994 version).

Friday, September 13, 2013

I Broke a Mirror!

 I was in my room yesterday, I accidentally knocked over my full length mirror and broke it. I took it out to a trash can outside. But as I went, I was thinking, "I broke a mirror... that means seven years of bad luck... WAIT! HOLD ON!"
  Now I started talking to myself.
 "Why should I settle for seven years of bad luck when I can have seven years of the favor of the Lord?"
  Today is Friday the 13th. But it's not a bad day.
 Superstition is just that; "a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like." (
   What the dictionary doesn't tell you is that the only reason you are going to be affected by superstition is if you believe in it. If you believe it, you are not believing in God's word which says He has plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Superstition is inspired by the devil; so if you believe in it, you are believing Satan over God. 
  Still going to hold onto your rabbits foot?

 Teen for the Lord

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Love this!

 "No matter who is President,
 God is always Infinite!"
                                      - Emily Lane

Camping, Birthdays, and Thrifty Pretty!

I'm back! I didn't fall off the face of the planet, I promise! But I did go and spend a weekend in the boondocks of Arkansas. VERY LITERALLY!
It was about ten minutes on a rock road to the pavement and another fifteen to town. I like the country, but there were so many trees that I felt claustrophobic the first day! Suffice it to say I was glad to get back to my home land of SW Missouri. Other than the remote area, I had a blast!
We knew we were in Arkansas when they couldn't spell  "Corner Cafe"!
A couple my Dad knows let us borrow their lake house and boat dock.
Total blessing from the Lord.
The water was nice and deep, just right for a dive competition.
I won!
Another couple took us out on the lake for the afternoon.
 They took us to a cove that had a rope swing about 15 ft above the water.
But first,
 This rock was super hard to get onto. We had to climb onto it from
20 ft deep water, and there weren't many hand or foot holds despite its appearance! 
But it was worth the effort! The rope swing was a lot of fun!
Except I got rope burned and slammed into the water chest first.
  But the best part of the trip was when we got to ride the three seater tube the rest of the way back to our dock.
SOOO much fun!!
 Dad drove us around on the the jet ski.  Once we figured out the best way to ride it, we had a really good time.
Sissies forever!

When we got back home we gave away the rest of our kittens.
( Tobias Tub) 
  And Smokey!
They now all have good homes! 

We also just celebrated Michael's and Amy's birthdays.
Amy got her ears pierced and had chocolate pudding with extra whipped cream for dessert.
 Amy and I bought Michael " The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" for his birthday.
He was thrilled!
 But his favorite present was $20 worth of coins.
He got 5 silver dollars, $10 in half dollars, and 
$5 in pennies! He loved it!!
That's what's been going on. 
Here's another Thrifty Pretty for you! 

  I had about ten minutes to get ready, so I threw this together.

Earrings : Free
Blouse: $.50
Tank: $.50
Skirt ( made by me): $2
Boots: $1

Total : $3.00

God Bless Y'all!

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home