
Monday, April 27, 2015

Relax! PrettyThrifty

Blouse: $3
Skirt(given to me): $0
Shoes(given to me):$0 
Bracelets(given to me):$0
Total: $3

Trust God. That's what everyone tells you. He's got everything under control. But sometimes our life seems so out of control, how could anyone have it under control? That is the point when you have to decide to not try to be in control. Just be you and God will take care of the rest. Someone posted on Facebook, "You can't please everybody. You're not a pizza." It's so true. We also have to accept that we won't always be able to please ourselves. The best we can do is the best we can do. But beating ourselves up over unaccomplished tasks won't get them done. "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it." (L.M. Montgomery) So take another step tomorrow. You can't fully know how the decisions you make today will shape your tomorrow. You can make decisions with wisdom, but even then you won't be able to please everyone. Even God doesn't please everyone. So stop trying to be perfect. You are never going to be. Breathe. Do something that you enjoy, just because you want to do it. Relax.
Remember what Mary Poppins says,
" In every chore that must be done, there is an element of fun. Find the fun, and SNAP!!! The job's a game! And every task you undertake becomes a piece of cake, a lark, a spree, it's very clear to see...
that a spoon full of sugar...."
Okay, you can finish the song yourself.

Photography by Amy Lane Photography.
Have a good week!
God Bless!

Featured in issue #134 of The Christian Home Magazine.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Grab My Button!

Hey Everybody! Amy made me a blog button! It's so cool! You can grab my button on the side bar of my blog. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pinned it! Did it!

  Hey everyone! Recently my mom told me about a sale on Flexi-clips. Now I really like my Flexi's! They are wonderful!
My first Flexi-clip . It's a size M. But obviously not quite big enough for my hair!
I think I need a Mega for a full bun!
 So I checked out the site. I was looking at their hair sticks, which I have been wanting to try out, but I didn't see any that I really liked. So, I thought, if I'm going to spend this much on hair sticks, I should get something I like, right? I headed to Etsy. Again, a few caught my eye that I pinned, but nothing I wanted to buy. Then I thought, what if I just made some? I went outside, found a stick and spent the rest of the evening whittling. When I had the shape I wanted, I whittled a hole through the top, and strung it with beads. This is what I ended up with.

It's great! Pretty Thrifty... don't you think? ~smile~
 The lesson from this? Do with what you got, where you are!

God Bless!