
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pretty Thrifty: And I Quote...

Jewelry (all given to me): $0.00
Jacket (thrift store): $4.00
Jeans (thrift store): $6.00
Shoes (thrift store): $4.00
Total: $14.00
(But I only bought the jeans. Everything else was given to me!)

Okay, this post is a little late. Sorry!
I keep a quote book with some of my favorite quotes, and I want to share a couple with you.

"We all write a story with our lives... Some write stories of epic proportions... some filled with nonsense and wasted opportunities. Once their story is done, they will scramble for an eraser, but there is none... Write well, for you only have one story."
Olivia Brock, No more Wasted years 
 A great book about staying home vs. going to college.
" Do you remember when you asked me what you do if the spark goes out between two people?"
" The answer is... you don't let it."
Dudley and Julia, The Preacher's Wife
"Is a moment of earthly pleasure worth breaking my Father's heart over?"
"Losing someone you love is like putting a part of your heart on the shelf not to be viewed 'til a later date. When you lose two someones, anger and despair take over. When you lose your family or your people, your heart becomes hollow. It's like you lose yourself. I guess it's because your whole existence was defined by the pieces of your heart that have been placed on that shelf one by one... and no one can seem to put them back together. It's a puzzle really."
"No cause is lost, if there is but one fool left to fight for it."
At Worlds End, Pirates of the Caribbean
Well, that's just a few of my faves.
Hope you enjoyed them!
Please do not reprint my personal quotes. Thanks!

This article was published in issue #137 of 
