
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This One's for the Girls

 Hello sisters!

  I just got done with having a study about virtue with my mom. And you know how I said I would have a something to challenge you every week? Well here it comes!

   What do you think when you see a girl walking down the street with her belly hanging out and her chest showing? Not anything real good, huh? Well, while you're thinking about that, what are people thinking of your own attire? Is it good, or bad? Are you turning heads because you are dressed modestly, or immodestly? I hope modestly.

   As daughters of Christ, we have the responsibility to present ourselves in a manner pleasing to God. And that does not mean skin tight jeans, sheer, or tight tops, or tops that show cleavage. I know that this is not a topic that most girls like to talk about.  Because of that, it is being put on the shelf; and, the topic is not getting addressed too often.  So, even though it's not my favorite topic, I'm willing to talk about it for the good of us girls.

    We have a thing called allure, our appearance; and, it is a powerful thing. If we do not protect our bodies by covering ourselves, we are not only sinning against God, but against ourselves, against our brothers in Christ, and against our family. Think about that for a second. You could be sinning against lots of people because you wore that mini skirt. Or those pants, that you can hardly breath in. Or what about that top that shows half your stomach, so you wear a jacket over it? And then when you spread your arms, that jacket pops open and your stomach is the featured view. What if your mom saw that? How would you feel? What if your God saw that? How would you feel? And what if, what if, your future husband saw that, and that left a bad impression on him? You could cause your future husband to stumble as well as other future husbands.  You see, we women are terribly mislead by today's fashion. The question is if we are willing to go along with all this. Are we going to go along with all the piercings, tattoos, and tight clothes?  

   We are supposed to save our bodies, our kisses, our hugs, and love, all for one man. And the plan is that we wait for that pleasure until after our marriage.  We have to keep our minds pure, too.

   If you are immodest sometimes, even if you are a Christian, you're not alone! I even dress immodestly sometimes. But, because I have had high standards set for me by my parents, it's really infrequent.
But even though I don't want to dress immodestly, I like to be noticed. Who doesn't?  But in liking to be noticed comes the danger of immodesty.

   One definition of modesty is expressing yourself, but, with CAUTION! Doesn't that sound easier? It does to me! Because I don't like to go around in dresses all the time. So here are some tips to make your wardrobe more modest.

1. How do I know if my shirt is too tight?
   If it is stretching across your chest, well, it's tooooo tight!
     The solution? Mine is, first clench your hands and go inside your shirt and push it out. This usually helps a good deal. If it doesn't, then you need a bigger shirt!

2. Is my shirt too short?

     Reach for the sky. If you see your stomach showing, even a little, then yes. But, there is a sulution. Go buy some tank tops. They will do wonders. Just tuck them into your pants. And layers are TOTALLY in!!

3. Are my pants too low?

    If when you bend over,  your back shows, yes. This could be your pants or your shirt. Either way, all you need is a tank top to tuck into your pants!

4. Is my shirt too low?

    Lean forward, and look at yourself in the mirror. If you see your chest, you need an undershirt. But congrats to those who don't!

5. How short is too short?

     Well, sit in front of a mirror (If you don't have that, then your mom will do!) cross-legged and indian style. If you see your undies, then you just need to throw out that pair of shorts or skirt, or you can wear leggings. But I don't recommend them. If you are wearing something skin tight, you are basicly giving a view of your body. This includes skinny jeans. You're better off throwing them in the trash, or giveaway.

   Well, I hope I have challenged you to look at your wardrobe a little more carefully. Remember, we are helping to shape the next generation of leaders and, more importantly, each other's husbands.

"I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
By the gazelles or by the does of the field,
Do not stir up nor awaken love
      Until it pleases."

Song of Solomon 2:7 NKJV

 To my friends, sisters, and readers, God give you guidance,

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