
Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Body of Christ Revisited

Hi Everybody! So I was looking at the comments some of you have sent me and I came across one that I thought needed response.

Recently, I wrote about how we are the Body of Christ. I spoke about how we (born again believer's) are the Body and how we have the same power as He does through this. I appealed to this verse:
   "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father."
 I said that we can do the things that Christ did, and more.
  This person disagreed with me. They said that they didn't think that we (born again believer's) can do these things, and certainly not things greater than Christ. And, I agree that we cannot do it. We are not able. But He is. And He lives in us. So, if we are willing to be His ambassadors (bringing His messages, whether physical or verbal), He is able to work through us. And we can call on Him to work through us. But we should never, under any circumstance, try to perform miracles without Him.

  If you remember, there were some guys who tried that in the Bible. The seven sons of Sceva, the High priest. They went to cast out a demon from this guy, and they couldn't do it. The demon spoke to them. It said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?" How would you like that to happen to you? To add to the humiliation, the demon caused the man it possessed to beat and strip  them, sending them naked from the house. That's what happens when you try to act apart from the Holy Spirit.

  So, to clarify, we are the body. The Holy Spirit lives in us. On our own we can do nothing. But we are empowered by Christ to do His will, and we do it in for His glory. Not our own.

  That's one thing new I want to slip in here. When we are truly humble, we are not weak and cowardly, but bold, doing all that we do for His glory. Meeting every challenge as David did Goliath:

“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head."

  David was not confident in his strength but in God's. "This day the Lord will deliver you..."
When we are truly humble, we are confident in God's power and faithfulness to His children to keep His promises, and we are bold in that knowledge.  When He works through us, we give Him the Glory.

  So to the person who posted that comment. You are able to do the same things as Christ because Christ lives in you. Why would He stop performing miracles just because Heaven is now His headquarters? He is still in the business of miracles. He just usually performs them through us.

  You did not offend me, and I hope that I didn't offend anyone. I pray that I never will. The purpose of this blog is to share my journey and to inspire you on yours. I want to make you think and challenge you but not offend you. You are God's children, He loves you all very much, and He wants you to be able to operate in His full power, to understand that you can call on Him to supernaturally move on your behalf.

 God Bless y'all. May you walk in His perfect Grace.



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