
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Teen Talent Time!

 Hello everybody! Happy late Valentines Day! I hope you all had a wonderful day full of too much candy, cookies, and chocolate. I know I did! I don't know the last time I had that much sweet. Anyway, I've been meaning to write but things kept coming up or I didn't get around to it. ~Sigh~

Things have been kind of stressful around here. I'm getting ready for Teen Talent, doing a dance with my church dance team, and school, which has been difficult lately. Teen talent is a national talent show held by the Pentecostal Church of God.Youth in churches affiliated with the P.C.G. preform in districts, states and nationals. There are a bunch of categories with everything from Christian Rap to  Photography to Christian Comedy. We come the evening before and attend a rally and then turn in our entries or what not for our particular category. The next day we preform and are judged., awards are given at the end of the day. Last year I and a couple other girls got second in theatrical and some of us got first for our human video.

 This year I'm doing a vocal solo, vocal ensemble, dance solo, group dance, theatrical, human video, poetry, and possibly a short film. And I have less than a month to perfect it! See why I'm stressed? So please pray that I will do well and do my best. Ah! I didn't say win. The point of Teen Talent is not  to show off. The point is to learn how to perfect and critique our skills that God has given us. The point is to glorify God with our actions. But, I don't mind winning either. ~smile~

Well, may God bless you and keep you!

Teen for the Lord

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,

    I'm very familiar with Teen Talent! When we went to Church of God, our oldest, Colt, made it to the National Level with guitar (didn't win there but it was a great experience), and our youth did several dramas at that level too. It was lots of fun. We went to Indianapolis each time.

    I'll pray you do your very best and all goes well! You have lots of ways to wonderful! Winning would be nice too! :)

