
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

God is Faithful

  Good morning, everyone.  It's a beautiful rainy morning.  It's funny, our pastors wife was praying for Spring time weather in Summer.  Thank you God for being faithful to answer our prayers!

  Anyway, last week I went to Youth Camp. First off, I had a lot of fun and made some new friends. But best of all, God showed up.

  I wasn't very excited about going to camp this year. I didn't have any specific expectations. I just wanted revelation, which He gave me.
  He showed up the first night and didn't cease fire until I left Saturday.
  He worked on so much. Some of the things are too personal to share on-line, but He worked on loneliness, humility, purity, and love.

  I think it was Wednesday night. I just stood there and worshipped, enjoying His glory. I want to thank Him for that.  A couple of the nights, I was overcome by my love for Him.  I kept saying, " I love my Jesus." I guess you could say I fell more in love this week.

  I do want to share something that happened Thursday night.  The speaker was Randy Lawrence.  If you have never gotten to hear him, he is an excellent speaker. Thursday night he spoke on purity. Afterward, he asked for anyone who needed restoration of purity to come up. I went up and gave God all that was on my heart. I didn't feel anything, but I had to trust that he had restored me.

 That's something that I love about God. He is faithful. If you call on His name, He will answer. You may not hear Him, or feel Him, but He is working. And He who started a good work in you is faithful to complete it.

 In the last couple of years, God has made it a point to impress upon me that He is faithful. He loves me so much, and as my father, He wants to take care of me and bless me. He is, was, and always will be faithful to me. Even to the end.

     Teen for the Lord
     A Servant and Daughter of the Most High God

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 Loving Our Children Tuesday
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1 comment:

  1. Emily, your post was such a blessing! It's great to see how God is working in your heart and life, and showing His faithfulness to you. One of my favorite hymns is "Great Is Thy Faithfulness". Thanks for linking up with us over at:
