
Monday, November 4, 2013

Pretty Thrifty Monday Morning

Another Pretty Thrifty!

Shirt (garage sale): $1.00
Tank-top (garage sale): $0.25
Jeans (garage sale): $1.00
Shoes (garage sale): FREE!


This Sunday was really good! The presence of the Lord was so strong and I really enjoyed worship. 
You know, lately God has been dealing with some sin issues in my life.
Don't freak out. We all have problems even if we act like we have it all together. 
 He's shown me lately some of the things that are behind what I'm doing wrong. And they are harder to deal with than the sin itself.
Why? Because they aren't apparent. They are buried deep within me, locked away in my heart. The apparent sin is easier to deal with because I can see it and figure out what triggers it. But the inward sin is much harder to deal with. It's the rope that is tying me to the shore and keeping me from a radical relationship with God. So guess what? He told me at camp this year that I need to let go of all the ropes holding me to the shore. I need to get lost in the ocean of His Love.

I know sin isn't fun to talk about, especially with God, but if we want to know Him we have to rid ourselves of sin. 

Honestly, I'm feel guilty as I'm writing this because I know I'm going to mess up yet again. 
But this is a war. You win some battles, you lose others. The important thing is that you keep pressing onwards.
" I keep pursuing the goal in order to win the prize offered by God’s upward calling in the Messiah Yeshua. "  
(Philippians 3:14)

 Remember that the only person who keeps track of how often you sin is you. 
So when you feel like you can't ask for forgiveness again, you can. God is a god of grace. HE longs for your repentance. Just remember though, that you have to fight to rid yourself of sin. It's like I said in my last post; you can't lay down during the battle. If you lay do, you're going to get trampled.
So keep pressing onwards.
 Be a warrior of the Righteous King.  
Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength!
God bless you all,
Teen for the Lord


  1. Wow, it is awesome that at 16 you have such a strong relationship with the Father. My son just turned 17, and he also has a strong relationship with he Father.

    As believers it is great to hear what the Father expects of us, but not always easy to do. That is why we need Him to help us become the people He has created us to be.

    Seems to me you are on the right path. Thanks for sharing on Tuesdays With a Twist.

    Oh and love that you don't mind shopping at the thrift store. You got some cute things for a great price.

  2. Loved your post so much I featured it on Tuesdays With a Twist. Stop by tomorrow to grab the featured button.
