
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pretty Thrifty: Easter Sunday

  Happy Easter!
We opened the restaurant yesterday! It went pretty well for our first day. Continued prayers for peace, provision, and success are appreciated!
  Amy, for taking such great pictures!
So, I just have to say that my mom looked awesome today! She bought a new dress, and she rocked it. The pictures simply don't do her justice! And thank you,

So I made this skirt this weekend. I wasn't sure how it was going to work, but I am really pleased with it. If you go back to my previous tutorial on jean skirts, you can see the basics on how to make one for yourself. I'll go back and make a note for making knee length skirts. I don't know if you can tell, but it does cover all of my knee. I think the length may vary depending on the hem length and the length of the jeans to start out with. 
Jewelry (all made by me): $0.00
Jacket (garage sale): $1.00
Tank top (given to me): $0.00
Skirt (made by me): $1.50
Sandals (garage sale): $0.50
Total: $2.00

Well, I wasn't in service today, so I don't actually know what our Pastor was talking about. I was in the children's church helping with the class. But I still was blessed. I got to watch as the kids opened Easter eggs that contained miniature nails, crown of thorns, coins, etc. that represented what Easter is really about. The teacher then asked, "Is the reason for Easter bunnies?"  
"Is Easter about candy?"
"What is Easter about?"
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, as they say. We are to have this same, simple, child like faith as they do to enter heaven. We don't believe in Jesus, His death, and Resurrection because we have proof! We believe because the Bible says so. Do I sound naive? That's the point. Children believe because it's what they have been taught by their parents or Sunday school teacher. We are to believe because it's what our Heavenly Father has told us.  
Teen for the Lord

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pretty Thrifty: Palm Sunday

 Hi Everybody! For anyone who is wondering, our restaurant is coming along nicely. My dad called this morning and told us we passed the health inspection! We'll be opening next week on Monday (I think 11:00 a.m.). So if you're in the area, stop by and see us!
Since Sunday was Palm Sunday, my pastor was talking about the events leading up to Jesus crucifixion. Something that really stuck out to me is the fact that, Christ went throughout His whole life never feeling guilt or shame, regret or hatred. I don't know at what point of His trial and crucifixion it happened, but He took on all the weight we have ever felt from our sins in the history of humanity upon Himself and carried it to His death. The torture He went through physically was incredible, but to think of the mental  torment He experienced... it's unfathomable! 
The other thing that stuck out was found in John 11:45-52 right after Lazarus was raised from the dead. It says this: 

 "45 Then many of the Jews who had come to Mary, and had seen the things Jesus did, believed in Him. 46 But some of them went away to the Pharisees and told them the things Jesus did. 47 Then the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered a council and said, “What shall we do? For this Man works many signs. 48 If we let Him alone like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and nation.”49 And one of them, Caiaphas, being high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all, 50 nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish.” 51 Now this he did not say on his own authority; but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation,52 and not for that nation only, but also that He would gather together in one the children of God who were scattered abroad."

In the Jewish tradition, only the High Priest had the authority to appoint the sacrificial lamb. And here Caiaphas is the High Priest, and he is declaring that it is better for one man, Jesus, to die for the nation than for them all to die. Just like a lamb being slaughtered for the sins of Israel. I doubt that's what he was intending to do, but he approved the sacrifice was God was making for His people. I just realized that and my jaw is hanging open. Way cool!

Earrings (made by me)
Blouse (garage sale): $1.00
Skirt (thrift store): $2.50
Sandals ( garage sale): $0.50
Total: $4.00

Well, Happy Easter!
God Bless you all and continue to open your eyes to His marvelous works! He's pretty awesome!
Teen for the Lord

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Teen Talent Live!

  So I finally got the videos of my performance for Teen Talent in March uploaded to YouTube. It took forever, but all good things take forever. I only uploaded the performances that placed. The human video wasn't recorded well, so I haven't bothered with it yet. Maybe someday...
P.S. I'm the angel. Sorry some of the footage is really shaky!
OK, if you want to watch it, I posted below the recording from my first year of competition two years ago. I simply posted it to show the progress I've made since I began. Honestly, I have to credit, my youth leaders, friends and God. Without them, my voice would not have grown nearly as much. So, thank you all! 
                               Recording quality is really BAD!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pretty Thrifty in Camo

  Hi everybody! So this week I have some big news. Some of you who live around me already know, and some I have yet to talk to about it, but most of you have no idea the changes my family has been going through as of late. About a month or so ago, my dad asked me if I could keep a secret. I said yes, and he proceeded to tell me that someone had recently called him out of the blue and asked him if he would like to take over a restaurant... as in owning it. YEAH! He didn't tell me which restaurant it was, only that it was in town. So I prayed. My dad is an entrepreneur, so he has had a hand in a lot of small businesses over the years. This was, and is, a little unpredictable. But we were praying for God's will to be done.
   So, Friday the 28th was Dad's last day of work, and we open the 21st this month. It seems crazy to us. But! We prayed for God's will, and this is where He has led us. God gave me confirmation and reassurance today at Church and it was really encouraging. God is so faithful. I really love Him.

Amy and I had our first 4-H photography meeting Friday. I think it helped us both with technical stuff. Tell me what you think of our photographs today. I took the ones of Amy, and she took the ones of me. Enjoy!
I kissed him... 
he didn't turn into a Prince...
just a Tiger.
Earrings (retail store): $1.00
Scarf (on sale at retail store): $2.50
Blouse (Wal-Mart): $5.00
Jeans (thrift store): $3.00
Sandals (garage sale?): $1.00?
Total: $12.50
Man, I was pricey this week!

I just have to say that my sissy is gorgeous!
Visit her blog here!

Please be praying for our family as we embark on this new adventure.  God bless you all this week!
Teen for the Lord
Check out my blog list. I added a new member: Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens. I freaked out when I saw her profile picture was Anne. I'm an Anne of Green Gables fan! Of course.