
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pretty Thrifty in Camo

  Hi everybody! So this week I have some big news. Some of you who live around me already know, and some I have yet to talk to about it, but most of you have no idea the changes my family has been going through as of late. About a month or so ago, my dad asked me if I could keep a secret. I said yes, and he proceeded to tell me that someone had recently called him out of the blue and asked him if he would like to take over a restaurant... as in owning it. YEAH! He didn't tell me which restaurant it was, only that it was in town. So I prayed. My dad is an entrepreneur, so he has had a hand in a lot of small businesses over the years. This was, and is, a little unpredictable. But we were praying for God's will to be done.
   So, Friday the 28th was Dad's last day of work, and we open the 21st this month. It seems crazy to us. But! We prayed for God's will, and this is where He has led us. God gave me confirmation and reassurance today at Church and it was really encouraging. God is so faithful. I really love Him.

Amy and I had our first 4-H photography meeting Friday. I think it helped us both with technical stuff. Tell me what you think of our photographs today. I took the ones of Amy, and she took the ones of me. Enjoy!
I kissed him... 
he didn't turn into a Prince...
just a Tiger.
Earrings (retail store): $1.00
Scarf (on sale at retail store): $2.50
Blouse (Wal-Mart): $5.00
Jeans (thrift store): $3.00
Sandals (garage sale?): $1.00?
Total: $12.50
Man, I was pricey this week!

I just have to say that my sissy is gorgeous!
Visit her blog here!

Please be praying for our family as we embark on this new adventure.  God bless you all this week!
Teen for the Lord
Check out my blog list. I added a new member: Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens. I freaked out when I saw her profile picture was Anne. I'm an Anne of Green Gables fan! Of course.


  1. That is exciting news. Congrats to your Dad. You will learn a lot through this process. I was in 4-H (animals, not photography). It is a wonderful program. You make friends for a lifetime. Visiting from Mama Moments.

  2. Aw, thank you so much for adding me!
    And that's awesome about the restaurant! I pray everything goes well! :)

  3. Hi Natalie,
    You're welcome. Thanks for praying.

  4. You're in for an experience! My parents own their own business as well, most the time it's a blessing- but a lot of work as well!
    You look great in brown btw!
    A modest fashion blog:

  5. Awesome! I love your blog!
    The photography was so pretty!
    Can't wait to see your next blog post!
