
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pretty Thrifty and Camp 2014

   Hi everybody! I have been EXTREMELY apathetic in my posting. I'm sorry and I will try to better.
The truth is I haven't had a lot of free time and posting hasn't been a top priority.
Church camp was great this year! I had a lot of fun. I learned that I have to know God's love and I have to learn to love Him truly. In loving Him I will be trying to please Him, so I will love others, and righteousness will fall into place.
  As for the fair projects, my cake made it to the state fair as did one of Amy's pictures.We haven't gotten them back yet, but I believe we will soon.
  These are pictures of a couple of my summer outfits.
  Please be praying for our family. We are expecting A LOT of people at our restaurant this week and need prayer that the people will come and that we will simply have a good week.
  God bless you all. I thank you for continuing to read my blog even when I'm not faithful to post very often. That reminds me of a post I wrote a year or two ago. Click here to read it.

Jewelry: $0.00
Skirt( Given to me): $0.00
Jacket: $1.00
Sandals(thrift store bag sale): $0.25
Total: $1.25

Blouse (garage sale):$0.50
Jeans (thrift store):$3.00
Shoes (thrift store):$2.00
    Here are a few of my camp photos.
   My sister is telling me I look Asian at the moment. Weird.
2013. Yeah, I know it says 2008.
2014. I was proud of myself. I was able to get all my stuff into one suitcase, a backpack, and a sleeping bag. No extra purse and pillow. Yeah!
   My youth counselor, Karissa. She just got married this summer. Yeah!
    My best friend at camp. This was her last year as a camper. Snff,Snff!
Love you, Jenna!
                                             Camp theme was #NEXT LEVEL.
   We had so many campers this year that we ended up with two extra dorms. We were teamed up with the girls in Dorm 7 and we were in Dorm 1. Thus is the origin of Dorm 17.

   Well, talk to you later!
Teen for the Lord


  1. Praying for your family and your restaurant! :) Glad you had a good time at church camp, too. Thanks for all the comments on my blog! I'm just now getting back into regular blogging too, so I understand completely. Loving those inexpensive outfits. :)

    God bless & have a fantastic day,
    Joy :)

  2. Thanks! I hope you transition into the swing of things easily. Getting back to blogging regularly is not as easy as it sounds.
