
Monday, July 6, 2015

Pretty Thrifty: Loving Him Even Before You Meet!

©2015 Amy Lane Photography
Cardigan (I don't know where I got it! oops!)
Skirt: $4.00
Jewelry (given to me)
Total: $8.00

   Have you or did you think a lot about yourr future husband when you were a young? I know I do. I dream of what I want. I try really hard not to say,"He has to be so tall, this ethnicity, his hair has to be this color, etc..." .
Think about that...
Isn't that a way of putting God in a box? What if  he doesn't look anything like what you think you want? 
I'm not saying that if you really like a eye color, hair color or a certain weight that it's wrong. I first made  a list of what I wanted about three and a half years ago. I've made four or five, I think, and they have had some of the same things, but some things, especially what I want him to look like, have changed a lot.
I think one of the best ways I've heard it explained was by my former youth leader, Karissa. She used to say that, basically, you can make a list, but God will change your heart to love the man that He has for you.
For example, she would never have thought she would marry a man with a goatee, mohawk, and tattoo. But he was the man God had for her, and she loves him totally. 
You simply have to let your list be flexible to God's plans.
Sounds like our entire journey with Him, right?  ~Ha, Ha~
So, go ahead, make a list! List what you think you want. List his characteristics, too. (That's what I've found to be the most consistent in my lists.) 
Pray for him. Make a little journal writing prayers or letters to him. 
It may seem silly, but if you are nurturing that love for your husband even before you meet and marry him, I believe that love will be all the stronger. 
May God work in each and every one of your lives to bring you the right man or nurture the love that He has already brought you. 
God Bless,
Teen for the Lord

 May I suggest?


  1. You are worth waiting for my little woman of God!

  2. Truly inspirational! Wonderful post! I would love it if you would share these amazing words at our WIW Linky Party! I hope you can join us!


  3. Thank you so much for sharing this post with us at Good Morning Mondays. I like the look of your blog and also your motivation behind it. I think it is wonderful for you to be praying for your husband and my husband and I pray for our children's spouse that they will be raised in a Christian home with strong morals and a heart for God. Before our daughter was married we encouraged her to really develop her relationship with her Lord, this is so important. Thank you so much again for stopping by and I pray that God will bless you with a Godly husband.

  4. Dear Miss Emily,
    I "found" your blog while visiting another friend...and I am so very glad that I did. What a lovely, heartfelt article. Waiting is sometimes so difficult...and confusing...but absolutely so worth it! Enjoy each and every day that the Lord gives you here on earth...and wait patiently for His guidance...amazing things will come your way!
    Sweet blessings,
    Mrs. Laura
