
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thrift Store Faith

 Hi everyone!  
A few weeks ago I heard a sermon about Thrift Store Faith. What is that? 
 A lot of people have purchased second hand faith from their parents. They just call themselves  Christians, going to church just because that's what they have always done. There is no personal commitment. 
 So how do we avoid it? 
 1# Discover it.
  You have to want it. To seek it out. And ask yourself if you really are a Christian or are you just going off what people have told you in the past. Is it real? Once you have decided this you're ready for the next step.
  2# Own it.
  When you buy something second hand, you don't take care of it half as well as if they had bought it second hand or borrowed. They don't clean it or take special care of it. Many people have done that with God, going to church and calling themselves because their parents were Christians and they haven't done anything that terrible. That's a good way to get God to say, "I never knew you." That's the point. To know Him. You have to have your own relationship with God. And you have to own that relationship. Take care of it. Scrub and scrub at the dirty spots and polish it until it reflects His light. 
  3# Live it.
  Now you have live it out. Listen to His words in your Bible and your spirit. Do things just to make Him smile. Obey Him when He gives you a mission, no matter how minuscule or magnificent. He will only give you what you can handle, so don't stress it. If you're going through a really rough spot, guess what? Your almighty Father is recognizing your strength. Count it all joy when you have trials. The testing of your faith produces patience. Let patience have it's perfect work so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (Paraphrased from James 1:2-4. One of my favorite versus!) This rough spot is to strengthen you in your faith and bring you into Shalom. Nothing lacking, nothing missing, nothing broken. 
  So do you have a real personal relationship with God? 
  Or do you have Thrift store faith? 
  Or no faith?
  If you already truly love our Father, I'm truly am glad. If you don't, I am smiling as I type just thinking about this opportunity for you to meet Him. Can I help you, please? If you'll allow me to introduce you, I am sure your life will change dramatically. And it will be a beautiful thing to behold! Are you ready? Say this out loud to your Father who loves you more than life itself. That's why He died for you. Love.
  I know that I have hurt you in the past when I sinned against you. I want to have a sincere relationship with You from now on. I want to love You and to feel Your incredible love for me. 
  I believe your Son died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe He rose again to defeat Death. 
  I repent of my sins against You. Please forgive me. Change my heart and let me see things through Your eyes.
  Thank You!

  If you just said that sincerely to our Father, then welcome to the family! 
 Here's the next steps: If you don't have a Bible, get one. If you don't have a home church find one. 
 If you left church because you were hurt of offended remember, people hurt you because of their own brokenness. Just because one church hurt you, it does not mean you will only get hurt at the next one. 
 God bless you and guide you!
 Happy Easter everyone!
 Teen for the Lord 

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