
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pretty Thrifty Demolition

You're probably wondering what's being demolished. Wait for it....

A mailbox.
It's one of those things you think will never happen to you until it hits you... literally.

 Here's my brother.
 Nice looking chap, isn't he?
 (I love you, Micheal, and I know you won't hold this against me in the very near or late future.... right?)

  Anyway, he was riding down the road on his bicycle, minding his own business, when a brick mailbox had the nerve to block his path. Without time to maneuver away from the fateful mail receptical, he promptly ran into and demolished the exterior and the 4 inch post in the interior. After falling, and my sister searching for help, a mowing service stopped by to investigate the situation. They called 911 and the police arrived post haste.
  The owner of the dismembered mailbox did not press charges, and Michael escaped the eye of the law.
  Upon reaching home, my parents decreed he must go to the E.R. immediately (they had dismissed the EMT).
  After an IV, CT scan, and other inconveniences, he returned very much alive and simply bruised.
  So ended his little escapade and began his recovery. He's doing well.
  Now my cat and I are sick.
  Prayers for all of us are appreciated.  I have a virus, so please pray for protection for my family so they don't get it, too! Thanks!

  Here is the next Pretty Thrifty.
  I actually have outfits outfits for this week.

I made the scarf from an old tank top.

Giveaway and they're my favorites!
 Scarf (repurposed tank top,
 garage sale) = $.25
 T-shirt (garage sale) =  $1 or less 
 Jeans (garage sale = $1
 White flats = $.25
  Earrings = FREE
  Total = $2.50

This scarf was made from a couple pillowcases. Any ideas how to wear it?

  Scarf (repurposed pillowcases) = $.25
  T-shirt cleanance = $3
  Tank-top (thrift store $5 bag sale) = $.25
  Jeans (garage sale) = $1
  Boots (garage sale) = $1
  Total = $5.50

I absolutely love this skirt! 


 T-shirt (garage sale) = $1 or less
 Belt (bargained at a garage sale) = $.25
 Skirt (thrift store $5 bag sale) = $.25
 Sandals (thrift store $5 bag sale) = $.25
 Earrings (giveaway) = FREE
 Total = $1.75

I like country, and it's my favorite style.

Blouse (Wal-mart) = $5
Belt (bargained at a garage sale) = $.25
Jeans (garage sale) = $1
Boots (garage sale) = $1
Total = $7.25

Teen for the Lord

Ducks in a Row  Wholehearted Home  Wise Woman Fluster's Creative Muster Deep Roots at Home


  1. Hi Emily,

    So glad your brother is dare a brick mailbox block his path! That could have been bad! Really, glad he's ok!

    Love your pretty thrify outfits. Love the country one with the belt and like you...I love that skirt. Oh and scarves do so much to dress up an outfit!

    Have a lovely weekend! :)

  2. Thank you so much, Miss Tammy! I know! Scarves are so cute, too! I hope Joy is feeling better.
    God Bless,

  3. We love your post and your blog. My sister and I have a blogs too at and
    Hope you stop by some time.


  4. Darn it! poor mailbox!!! LOl..of course not...your poor brother! I can only imagine, my little one just learned 3 weeks ago how to ride his bike without training wheels so far no boo boos, will keep my fingers crossed and my eyes peeled for pesky mailboxes! Thanks for sharing your post and your cute thrifty outfits (love the twirly skirt), looking forward to what you are bringing to the next Fluster Buster Party, have a great week, Lizy your party co host

  5. Wow!! Your brother could have really been hurt!! God protects us so often, doesn't he?! I like how you were so thrifty in selecting and putting together some outfits. Thanks for linking up over at WholeHearted Home.
