
Friday, August 9, 2013

Pretty Thrifty

Last week I noticed that my drawers were a big  mess. So I started sorting them, which led to cleaning out my closet, which led to getting rid of a lot of my clothes. I don't remember the last time I got rid of that much stuff. I have to say, I was pleased with myself.  ~~ smile~~

    Then yesterday I had a thought; what if I endeavored to wear all of the items in my closet and posted the outfits? I could make sure everything I have is something I'm actually going to use and figure out what I can wear with them.
     Plus there is a fallacy that has been going around; some people seem to think you can't shop cheap and look cute and fashionable.
     Although I'm no expert on fashion, I'm here tell you that is a lie! 
     That's another reason. Almost all my clothes are second hand!
     Anyway, here's the first installment of  "Pretty Thrifty". 

    Who says you can't rock a T-shirt and Jeans?
   (I rolled up the legs to form a pair of cute, modest, shorts/capris.)
Looks like Rain

Oh well!

Bring it on!

Earrings: made by me
 Vintage "Hope" camp T-shirt: $1
   Garage sale jeans: $1
   Clearance flip flops:  $1

     If you've got a "Pretty Thrifty" outfit, link it up!

God Bless,
Teen for the Lord

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Popped over from your mother's blog.

    I have always loved rolled up jeans, and still wear them rolled up even now that I am FIFTY! I roll them up just below my calves...I don't have such pretty legs as yours.

    :) Hope
