
Monday, April 18, 2016

A New Look At This Beautiful Life

By now you have probably noticed the new look to my blog. 
I have to say that I really like it. 
My little sister, Amy, asked if she could redesign my blog. 
So, while Mom and I went to figure what I have to finish up for high school (ahhhh!), she redesigned to her heart's content! Well done, Sissy!
While we were out, I told my mom that even though I only have about a month and a half left, graduation is not coming as a shocking change.
 I like big dramatic events to be, well, big and dramatic... like me. :) 
So when things simply dwindle off and eventually end, it's not as exciting. Not as significant. 
Yet every change in our life is significant. How do we handle them without going crazy? 
Simply go with it. 
The truth is, you cannot control everything in your life now, and you never will. You will never get to the day that you have everything under control. 
So just breath! Look around, and ask God to open your eyes to the beautiful life He has blessed you with. 
And if you can't see the beauty of your life, believe in the beauty of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Ask Him into your heart, and He will show you the beauty of your life.
You are never forsaken or abandoned. 
You are never forgotten.
You are forever treasured and loved for who you are.
No matter the ugly that you have seen or done, God still has a beautiful plan for you.
God bless and be with you!
Teen for the Lord


  1. So encouraging. :)

    The new blog design is abosolutely beautiful!!! Amazing job, Amy!! :D

  2. This was beautiful (: thanks for writing love!
