
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Spring is Here! Pretty Thrifty

 Ahhh... spring. 
Fresh flowers, gusty breezes, new life, and rainy days curled up with a book and hot tea...
Spring is a time for new starts and fresh beginnings and, sometimes, the closing of a season.
I'm a senior this year and I'm about to graduate.
A relief, yes, but also a challenge.

What is next? 
What do I do with my life?
What does God have for me? 
Are my dreams His will or mine alone? 
What do I do?

If you've graduated, you have probably gone through this. But you may have asked yourself the same questions at various other parts of your life. I don't think any of them are totally answered. They can be answered, for a time, but they never really go away. They keep nagging at us, prodding us to ponder the future, distracting us from the present and the day God has given us. 

What I'm learning, is that God loves us. He has good plans for us; and if we will acknowledge Him in all that we do, He will direct us. He will show us what's next, what to do, where to go, what to say. And with our good Father leading us down the road that He knows so well, we don't need to worry about the next step. We can enjoy the moment we are in with our Father, our family, our lives, without the distraction of worry on our minds.
He will supply all of our needs according to His riches and glory.
Even if that is simply direction or wisdom.
He gives liberally to all who seek wisdom.
 He desires good things for us. 
He alone is good and can lead us in the paths of righteousness

Lilla Rose XL Flexi (Blogger Giveaway)
Earrings: $0.00
Blouse (Thrift Store): $5.00
Jeans (Wal-Mart): $20.00
Heels (Thrift Store) $4.00


  1. Lovely outfit. And YES we do have a loving heavenly Father.

  2. Beautiful outfit and Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! I remember having those scared feelings (eons ago lol) but once you settle into what you want to do, they will go away and always remember that He has your interests planned out already! :) I'm a little late, but Thank you for linking up with me last week at Let's Make Today Fabulous Link Up feat. Denim Jackets! I really appreciate it! Hope you consider coming back for future linkups on Mondays! You are more than welcome! :)

    xx, Chanda
    Birth of a Fashion Blogger

  3. Beautiful outfit and Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! I'm a little late, but Thank you for linking up with me last week at Let's Make Today Fabulous Link Up feat. Denim Jackets! I really appreciate it! Hope you consider coming back for future linkups on Mondays! You are more than welcome! :)

    xx, Chanda
    Birth of a Fashion Blogger

  4. Hopping over from your mama's blog...very nice outfit. And as a mom to a 19 year old who graduated when he was 16---he still has no idea where he's in the Lord...HE knows best.
